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Mastercam刀路加工時間,加工長度信息補丁。! w6 _, `- d; k! \
本補丁可以輸出刀路加工時間,加工長度等。. J1 n% V8 g8 F% N
時間包含換刀時間,如果需要更準確的時間,請自行調整換刀時間即可。0 }* _3 o/ u7 r" b+ D1 N2 U
使用方法及需要添加的代碼如下,可參考圖片的說明:+ I* ^. x* g. Q& A+ {$ _7 r/ N+ P
, t5 v1 a6 ]# S, c+ ?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q0 X3 o- Y* r4 x( N% ^% I3 B
# Optional Run Time Output Settings
3 t. _5 I7 r: l# _, l2 j# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @; Y9 k e# M1 l1 y( d6 d* c9 qtlchgtime : 0.066 #Tool Change Time (* in Minutes *)
, u; i! b/ n0 _; Cuse_time_info : 0 #Output program time and path length information/ ?1 ~& O- D# k* i
use_tch_pos : 1 #Calculate with Home positions tool change postion 0=No, 1=Yes
4 m' ]) w: i' q& \% [3 ~% Y& O& ltime_format : 2 #Time format of output times in NC code: #1 = 2hrs, 14mins, 25.08sec, #2 = 2h 14:25" ~4 F; U+ `, z/ [ _1 w
8 G2 f# j5 a! J, F: @9 ?psof$ #Start of file for non-zero tool number
0 w3 j! |: z% [3 V4 p psetup! a2 N/ R4 A5 D- _
* M! k/ v9 L* Y; X3 I* k$ ^
ptlchg$ #Tool change; V9 L% t6 k, k6 l3 X+ O
5 B1 r/ B( L; P+ l0 S' l' p
; d4 n. D2 a2 N/ v3 kpeof$ #End of file for non-zero tool
% N1 e6 `/ [2 q9 H7 }- p if use_time_info, ptimes_out #Total ending data for tool (Path Length and Times)
6 |. S4 b3 U% w
# o ~# p" `- K. Bpncoutput #Movement output
# A- `9 d6 b# ^8 w ptime_calc
1 P4 o9 [; v' y# w$ G+ d! ^, z5 r2 P# b. P
pdrlcommonb #Canned Drill Cycle common call, before
' \* W! T+ i! i) B, l+ K ptime_calc& M( F- i3 w9 V/ }% f% q9 ?- m
& k: |. J! j4 `! R* D! opcanceldc$ #Cancel canned drill cycle
, f& h$ ]7 M- F9 B( l* g7 g$ P' A ptime_calc3 A `) R4 K, z& b
& O, X' b [7 i( _) G- r[STARTBIN]: U2 T! G! q. B
/ d8 R# j5 e/ o% }9 F8 {2 o4 y) U* w. E& i
, p9 E. c) T0 `6 C/ K在pretract 下面調用單個刀具時間
, F: Q/ j5 N6 P
2 R, N' r1 ~, O% l8 A3 W) `% fpretract #End of tool path, toolchange& j1 n' |0 V& O7 _
ptool_time; o& y$ N; \& }- h' d2 v2 z" v r) v5 ?
/ l# Q" D* L' s8 R4 z0 h
ptool_time #Calc. current Tool Time 2 I- A. s* }- b5 p
ttltime = tltime + trtime #Calc. current Tool Time c: v# C: [) {. U6 |" |& R1 X
"(Current Time = ", ptimeout, ")", e$
: T7 K1 [1 f* Q9 T, h7 n
' F2 t& L( e% G o# K' Z$ J8 P, t( J7 ]! P7 `' h/ V
1.png (86.52 KB, 下載次數: 20)
2016-10-27 19:21 上傳
) `6 S$ L6 P: r7 t' w* M* \. i7 o1 ?